Drum Smith VR

Drum Smith VR

Drum Smith VR for iOS ダウンロード

Drum Smith VR for Android ダウンロード

Drum Smith VR

Drum Smith VRThe Drum Smith is a first person VR drum simulator.
Have you ever wanted to feel what it is like to be a drummer? Now you have a chance to be one!
You can play the drums without music or with it – just choose the melody and beat the drum when it is indicated. Try different difficulty modes to get your skills on a whole new level!

You can play this VR game using VicoVR Full Body Motion Controller if you want full body motion version of the game. Or you can play it like any other cardboard game in any virtual reality headset you like.

We recommend playing this game with VicoVR Controller to move your whole body in virtual worlds. More info here: http://vicovr.com


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