VS Code App

VS Code App

VS Code App for iOS ダウンロード

VS Code App for Android ダウンロード

VS Code App

VS Code AppCode. Compile. Run.

VS Code App is a lightweight universal IDE for iOS / iPadOS with iCloud Drive support.

• Syntax Highlighting for 100+ languages
• Cloud Compiling for 40+ languages
• iCloud Drive Integration
• Multiple Files Searching

iPadOS Specific Features
• Split View Multitasking
• 12+ Keyboard Shortcuts

*VS Code App is not affiliated with Microsoft Visual Studio Code, or any of its products.

Supported Compilers:
Assembly (NASM 2.14.02)
Bash (5.0.0)
Basic (FBC 1.07.1)
C (Clang 7.0.1)
C++ (Clang 7.0.1)
C (GCC 7.4.0)
C++ (GCC 7.4.0)
C (GCC 8.3.0)
C++ (GCC 8.3.0)
C (GCC 9.2.0)
C++ (GCC 9.2.0)
C# (Mono
Common Lisp (SBCL 2.0.0)
D (DMD 2.089.1)
Elixir (1.9.4)
Erlang (OTP 22.2)
Fortran (GFortran 9.2.0)
Go (1.13.5)
Haskell (GHC 8.8.1)
Java (OpenJDK 13.0.1)
JavaScript (Node.js 12.14.0)
Kotlin (1.3.70)
Lua (5.3.5)
Objective-C (Clang 7.0.1)
OCaml (4.09.0)
Octave (5.1.0)
Pascal (FPC 3.0.4)
PHP (7.4.1)
Plain Text
Prolog (GNU Prolog 1.4.5)
Python (2.7.17)
Python (3.8.1)
R (4.0.0)
Ruby (2.7.0)
Rust (1.40.0)
Scala (2.13.2)
SQL (SQLite 3.27.2)
Swift (5.2.3)
TypeScript (3.7.4)
Visual Basic.Net (vbnc

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Privacy Policy: thebaselab.com/privacypolicies


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