Ultimate 500

Ultimate 500

Ultimate 500 for iOS ダウンロード

Ultimate 500 for Android ダウンロード

Ultimate 500

Ultimate 500The ultimate version of the 500 card game with following features: –

– Play against intelligent AI opponents
– Play against friends on same device using pass and play
– Play with partner against other people or AI on any IOS device anywhere in the world
– Lobby area where you can invite friends, send messages and organise online games
– Facebook integration allowing achievements to be posted to timeline and Facebook friend invites
– Take photo's or use images on your device to appear as your card table or the card's themselves!
– Customise rules to allow different variations of your game as per the 500 wiki.
– Undo feature after each move when playing offline
– Intelligent Suggest feature to recommend what to bid or even what card to play when playing offline
– Ability to control game pace between tricks and between games
– Local and global leaderboard to keep track of all game statistics
– Play in landscape or portrait on iPad with improved interface

Any bugs, support questions or ideas for improvements please go to Facebook Community page http://www.facebook.com/ultimate500community


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