Renegade Games Companion

Renegade Games Companion

Renegade Games Companion for iOS ダウンロード

Renegade Games Companion for Android ダウンロード

Renegade Games Companion

Renegade Games CompanionBring a free digital twist to your tabletop game night!

The Renegade Games Companion offers additional content for Flatline, Fuse, Clank! and Clank! In! Space! in one convenient app for your phone or tablet.

Flatline mode provides your Chief Medical Officer with a player aid and timer. Keep treating those patients before time runs out! Log your wins and losses as well.

Fuse mode turns up the pressure with a countdown timer (taunting optional) and high-score leader board for when you make it off your ship alive.

Clank! mode provides a single-player dungeon-delve for your favorite Deck-Building Adventure, and introduces exciting mini-Quests to add surprises to multiplayer games.

Clank! In! Space! mode provides a single-player campaign to thwart Lord Eradikus. Play through the multi-game encounter and save the galaxy!

The app is available for free…just in time for your next gaming session!


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